Sunday 14 April 2013


The end of a holiday...

My little herb garden!
I was very grateful when Summer finally decided to arrive in Boussac a week ago. Our last days have been spent lying by the pool and enjoying a few cool swims. Lunches and dinners  beneath the great tulip tree.  We have not had very good   June/July summer weather,  but luckily, I am just as happy when the weather is inclement.   Mr R-I has spent many happy hours cycling all over the countryside in the slightly cooler weather.

Closing down this little house is a process!  I start off with doing loads of washing and how fortunate to have had the hot sun delivering crisp dry towels and piles of sun-kissed bed-linen, just waiting for a hot iron.  I have to admit that I do love ironing - especially French linen napkins and bed linen.  There is a sense of satisfaction seeing the fragrant piles needing to be packed away, ready for our next visit. 

A frantic last watering of the garden and hoping there might be rain in the next couple of weeks.  My hydrangeas suffer in the heat and luckily the lovely Sarah who lives here all year long will come to the rescue!

The fridge will deliver at least two more meals.  Tonight we are having lamb cutlets, zucchini, broccoli, salad and Kipfler potatoes.  Our last market tomorrow to buy a  poulet roti for lunch!

We were lucky enough to spend three weeks in The Luberon with the whole family.  Lovely friends also visited and new places were discovered.  Drives through valley in the evening golden light,  dinner beneath the Wisteria,  little grand-daughters chattering or shouting.. all lovely memories of a great holiday.

Freshly ironed

Sprinklers going all afternoon

A trough, bought at a brocante last week, which I will fill up with white geraniums on our next trip

Mr R-I checking on the pool-cleaner
The adorable stray 'Mustique' -always a worry about who will feed him when we're gone!

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