Sunday 14 April 2013



It's good to be back on the farm!  I am sitting at the dining room table listening to thunderous applause as the men's 800m race is underway.. televised of course!   What a week we've just had watching the Olympics - London 2012.  

As we had stayed on in Europe for two weeks after the kids departed, it was good to catch up with them again in Sydney.  Our "girls" Bunny and Penny (the Shih Tzu's) were overjoyed to see us again. Two months is a long time and they arrived home looking splendid!  Thanks to Jean and Fred in Berry!

After two months of European summer weather, albeit not perfect all of the time,  it's back to the biting cold.  Two very heavy frosts in the past two days and the August winds have   delivered icy gales all day.  Birds being blown about the sky,  wind rushing through the bare branches of the stark winter trees and dust swirling on the drive-way.  John came in for morning tea and we had a general natter about the pruning of the roses and spent a little time looking at holiday photos!  

The girls I had a lovely walk over most of the farm this afternoon.  We started off looking at the Hellebore's that have just come into bloom. How beautiful they looked in the late afternoon light.  The air was crisp and and the countryside looked deceptively warm bathed in the wintry sun.  We visited the sheep and the girls had a go at herding them!  As there are only 7 their efforts were easily rewarded!  After walking down to  the dam which is being cleaned, we  made our way up the steep paddock and along the rain forest boundary, back towards the house.  We could hear the 'thump thump' of the Wallabies who live in the rain forest and Penny dashed off in sheer fright!

Double white Hellebore

These 'dorpers' allow us to get very close

They will be sheared in the spring

The girls practising their herding skills!

Of course a warm cup of tea was just the thing when we got back to the house!

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