Sunday 14 April 2013

ISLE SUR LA SORGUE - A special find

A special find!

For those of us who adore antiquing and rummaging through antique markets (Brocantes), a visit to Isle Sur La Sorgue is a must.  This little town in Provence, near to Avignon, has two markets a week - Thursdays - mostly fresh produce and Sundays - antiques (Brocante).   If you have visited this town you will remember that all of the shops/markets bars and cafe's are situated  on both sides of the Sorgue river and there are many water- wheels throughout the town  that are still in good working order.  

It was during a Thursday Market visit that I discovered La Cachemaille!  This delightful little shop looked so inviting and as it was beautifully air-conditioned, we had such fun trying on hats, tunics, linen dresses and their beautiful scarves and pashminas.    The delightful Dominique and Patrick Holvoet, owners of La Cachemaille were both so enthusiastic and proud of their lovely shop.  

Most of the clothing, hats and scarves are sourced from India.  Dominique who is originally from Belgium, explained that it was during a stop-over in India many years ago when she was an air hostess, that she fell in love with the exotic colours and textures of India, which resulted in a dream to sell these beautiful things in a shop.  How lovely that this dream has now come true!  

Their magnificent scarves, cut from old saris and hand-stitched together were irresistible as were the beautiful linen shirts and dresses.  

The "Sari" scarves.. double-sided in contrasting colours

Panamas in piles - necklaces made from the seed pods of palm trees, all so bright and colourful.  

Dominique is very excited about a new fashion range she has ordered from India -  anupamaa - have a look! 

There are pashminas and then there are Pashminas - incredibly soft and pure - the very best quality.  The link on You Tube  is so interesting and explains the manufacture of these exquisite pieces.  They are really beautiful.

The Pashminas...

Beautiful hand-made bags

Piles of beautiful linen dresses and shirts

Showing both sides of the scarf

You cant miss this colourful sign.. the shop is just off the main 


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