Sunday 14 April 2013


There are cold, grey clouds and rain over Boussac at the moment and summer and warmer days are a distant memory!   

Looking back at the photos of the market on Thursday,  I can't believe that we are in the same week!  The temperature in Boussac is 11deg C this morning and Paris is no warmer.  I see that London is very cold as well.  This little family all have a dose of cabin fever and I think an outing to La Chatre this afternoon might do the trick.  To cheer myself up, I am writing about our visit to the market last Thursday.

The market in Boussac happens all year round.. which means that it relies very little on tourism and largely on the local community.  As it is the beginning of June, this week's market was quite small but luckily the weather was great!  My daughter Sarah, grand-daughter Kitty and Mr R-I put on brave faces as we left the house.  They had arrived the evening before after an arduous journey from Australia!   Baskets in hand,  we headed towards the square, happy that the sun was shining which would hopefully help the jet-lag!   Kitty was in a daze most of the morning,  but a fun time was had by all.  The markets increase in size as the summer moves along and by August, this small quiet town is quite crowded on Market day.

Mum and Grandpa
A very tired little person!

Beautiful large bowls from Morocco

 Bread from a local artisan bakery displayed in a rustic way

Delicious local cheeses

White asparagus - delicious and in season now

Miss Kitty had this hat off in just a few seconds!

 Soaps from Marseille which I always buy to take home

Herbs for sale 

which Mr R-I planted here  to last the summer!

Colourful woven bracelets from Morocco

Always difficult to choose a sweet melon

Delightful gentleman from Holland who makes these delicious sesame/coconut cookies on market day!

which are enjoyed later with a cup of tea.

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