Sunday 14 April 2013


My day with the Queen, the hedge-trimmers and a chicken! 

I have  chosen the purple font colour for the post today in honour of the Queen of England and her Diamond Jubilee. I could hardly imagine anyone not being moved while watching the  National Service of Thanksgiving at St Paul's cathedral in London this morning.    In fact,  all of the Jubilee celebrations  have been incredible and as I sit here at the dining table of my little house in Boussac I am certain that the British Monarchy and all that it represents, makes this world a better place.  As I watched the thousands of people lining the streets and the river-side during this celebratory weekend,  their smiles and joy showed us that pure happiness had stepped into their lives despite the  miserable weather at times.  Her Majesty the Queen, dressed so beautifully in soft colours and defying her age, has happily participated in all of the pomp and ceremony celebrating her reign. Despite not being accompanied by Prince Phillip today,  I was amazed as I watched this 86yr old lady making her way down the many steps of St Paul's unaided.  Below some photos taken off the television so please forgive the poor quality.    

The Queen arriving at St Paul's and being greeted by the Bishop
The Queen looking lovely in the palest turquoise

Descending the steps unaided and accompanied by the Bishop
This happy viewing this morning has been accompanied by the very loud droning of 4 hedge-trimmers in my little garden.  M.Caland and his 3 young men arrived today at 7.00am sharp as arranged,  to bring all of the box-hedging back into order.   M.Caland is the owner of a very busy landscaping business in Boussac.  He employs an eager group of young men and he takes their training very seriously.  When I asked once whether he and his wife, have any children, he looked at me and said "these boys are my children" .. How lovely to see his gentle guidance (sometimes not so gentle) as they learn to master the hedge-trimmers and other implements while working in the garden.  M.Caland and his wife  provide lunch for them daily.   We had an hilarious time with them last year while  constructing this garden and pool.   

Very 'woolly' hedges

M.Caland watching carefully

The chicken?  Mr R-I, my daughter Sarah and my grand- daughter Kitty are arriving tomorrow evening.  I thought a little comfort food would go down well after their gruelling journey.     It's the little things ......    

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