Sunday 21 April 2013

The move off the farm, a birthday party and a christening


Monday & Tuesday

Well,  it finally happened - the move that is - and I can put everyone, including myself out of their misery!  It all went rather well I suppose and I posted all day on Instagram as I tried to extricate myself emotionally from this wonderful place.   The move took two days and on Monday night,  our friends Judy and Ozzie had us down to their home for dinner.  Thoughtful friends at a time like this are so appreciated! 

The last drive out!
On Tuesday night, our neighbours Bob and Ruth put us up for the night once we'd seen the last of the trucks.  After an exhausting day,  it was a soft landing arriving at their home and enjoying a hot bath!  Dinner was Mr R-I's favourite - Irish Stew!  Tired, but happy we shared a lovely evening with good friends... 



Mr R-I and I drove to Sydney with our cars packed to the roof!  It happened to be the day of my birthday and a lovely surprise of beautiful flowers greeted me when we arrived back in Sydney.   I really had to muster up all of my energy to meet the family at Bistro Moncur in Woollahra for dinner! Most of us ordered a firm favourite there - Sirloin with Cafe d'Paris sauce.  

These beautiful flowers were waiting for me in Sydney - sent by a very good friend in the UK.  



My daughter Claire moved house and we went over in the afternoon to help her!!... 

This says it all!


Kitty's 2nd birthday party was a going to be in a park, but unfortunately, due to torrential rains,  we moved it to the local scout hall!  

Kitty in awe of her RaRa cake!


Last, but not least, was Arabella's christening.  The weather was a dramatic improvement from yesterday,  and Arabella was as good as gold during the service.  The same cannot be said for the other little two year olds!!  Running races around the church was the best fun!

Very comfy in David West's arms!

Baby Arabella and her Mum

 This was an eventful week - exhausting and emotional on many fronts.  I look forward to a more peaceful time next week!


  1. 10 out of 10 JRI!! This constitutes an Uberweek if I've ever seen one. May the next post on the Lime Walk report on lazy lolling days, strolls down Queen Street, visits to Victor Churchill, trips to galleries and parks in the autumn sun, and plenty of feet up rest and film watching. xx

  2. Wasn't it ever!! May the next post be one of tranquility and all of the things you mention!! Did you like the pic of your flowers!?

  3. What a week!!! I am surprised you managed to post even?

    Lovely photos - it must have been hard to leave when the leaves were doing their own little botanical dance to make you stay :)

    Wishing you a smooth transition and a nice cup of tea to go with all that cake! x

  4. Thank you c.s.w.!! yes.... the day we left was indeed perfect and clear!. The Christening cake was a 'red velvet' cake... delicious but I am also looking forward to a more healthy week all round!. xx

  5. Oh my goodness - what a week! Two moves in the family?! I'm glad the pack up and move at the farm went well, although I'm sure it was hard to leave for the last time. Love little Kitty's absolutely adorable outfit and cake.... and yes, that is certainly torrential rain. Glad the Christening went well. Fortunately most people are quite understanding of the need for two year olds to run around and climb the steps up to the alter. Looks like a wonderful end to a very tiring week. And Happy Birthday! xx

  6. Yes Heidi... it was 'the week to end all weeks'!!! Tomorrow, I shall get up slowly, enjoy my breakfast slowly, and read the newspaper very slowly!! :) xx

  7. Your post just reminded me of how much I hate moving house. It is so exhausting. Your grandchildren are gorgeous. Love the little shoes on the christening cake. So beautiful.

    I hope you can have a slower week this week Jenny.

  8. Yes... moving is awful but I sometimes think that the anticipation is actually worse than the actual event. I have a lot of 'stuff' lying about here in Sydney and I am about to start organising! The little girls are adorable - 3 under the age of 2! Wishing you a lovely week too... and enjoy your lovely veggie garden! xx

  9. Loved the beautifully designed cake. Our Christmas and New Year parties both were extremely fantastic. Liked the decorations and cakes ordered by my cousin. Also the mouth watering Chinese food was of great quality. Danced to the last beat of Dj. Booked the same event venues Chicago for both get together' got festive discount as well.
