Sunday 14 April 2013


The first week in Boussac

Goodness... I cannot believe that I have been in France for almost a week!  The first couple of days were a blur of jet lag and general travel fatigue, followed by  laughter, fun and wonderful food  when my two girl-friends visited me here in Boussac.  

I arrived here from Sydney on Thursday evening after an arduous 35 hour journey.  Friday was spent slowly opening up the little house... throwing open all of the windows, removing the dust covers,  making a couple of beds,  getting in some groceries in preparation for the girls' arrival...oh and did I mention a flat tyre...  Anyway, it all got done very slowly with plenty of breaks as I really was very tired and energy was lacking!  The girls' arrival on Saturday was the beginning of a weekend of great fun and laughter.  Neither had been to Boussac before and many of you wouldn't have a clue where it is either.  Boussac is in the Creuse department in the Limousin region right in the centre of France.  It is a quiet little town and very authentically French.  Lazy days lying by the pool,  slow walks along the quiet streets, the constant chiming of the 15th Century church bells,  all accompanied by beautiful birdsong.  Thursday is market day and the whole town comes alive with fresh produce, locally produced cheeses, poultry, fresh vegetables and fruit as well as clothing, jewelry etc etc.  

We had a lot to catch up on, resulting in lots of chatter, swapping of hilarious stories and sharing wonderful food.  It was a fabulous weekend and a huge spirit booster!  How I discovered Boussac will need to be in a separate post and below are a couple of photos of our house, Boussac and delicious meals.

The Long Room

The Study

Poulet au Pot (before)

and after ... Cooked by Liora and delicious!

This lovely stream... just a minute or two from the house

The Medieval Chateaux of Boussac also minutes from the house

The old village roof tops

The kitchen window

A light supper of smoked salmon, quail's eggs and salad

Beautiful white Iris in the Jardin du The

Veronique and Liora with Hardy of "La Creuzette" - a truly magical place which I will tell you all about next time!

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