Sunday 14 April 2013


SUNDAY MORNING on South Acres Farm.

I haven't been able to look at my computer screen for a few days as I've had my 'flu' friend visiting me and sapping all my energy!  Waking up to a cold grey morning and looking outside, it seems that Autumn is in it's final days and winter will be upon us soon.  Time for the comfort of the Sunday morning ritual I tell  'the girls' (Penny and Bunny) as I walked into the kitchen.  They were in 'snuggle' mode and looking rather the worse for wear.  Mr R-I was back from buying the Sunday papers and soon I was cracking golden organic eggs into a bowl, warming up the coffee mugs, and slicing up a juicy papaya.  Even the coldest of mornings, and still feeling ill can be cheered up by a lovely breakfast surrounded by comfort and warmth! 

from my kitchen window - cold, grey day

oh dear... looking a tad disheveled this morning!

Happy Sunday everyone!

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