Sunday 14 April 2013


Packing for Provence!

We have been house-bound today as we prepare for our journey from Boussac to Lacoste tomorrow morning - approximately 5-6 hours drive ( we hope).   Everyone has been looking forward to a family holiday near Lacoste where we have taken a house for 3 weeks. Today has been spent  packing, gathering stray items from all over the house,  finding little toys beneath sofas, folding clothes in the laundry and stuffing clothes into bags!  Last minute ironing has been done and I have cooked a big pot of bolognese, which I will freeze tonight so that tomorrow night's dinner is catered for as we will all be rather tired.   Kristiina (my daughter-in-law), her little daughter Isabel and Claire ( youngest daughter)  are in Paris and will take the TGV down to Avignon tomorrow, from where they will drive to meet us in Lacoste.   Our son Alex  left Paris this morning for Iceland to attend a Stag party!  Honestly, I shake my head sometimes at the creative destinations that weddings etc are held in these days!  When I was young, weddings took place in ones home town.. and often in the back garden!  The world is getting smaller I know! Alex arrives in Lacoste on Sunday and Kirk, Sarah's husband arrives on 30th June.

Yesterday was our last market day here in Boussac and what a lively market it was. French music blaring out over the square, new stalls and the aroma of coffee and fresh produce!    The  villages, towns and markets are so colourful in Provence, and  I  look forward to visiting/blogging about them as well.

Fresh from the orchard

what a stylish arrangement - and the colour of the year as well!

Dutch cookies cooling!

Knives galore

Thursday lunch is always a "poulet roti".. they are delicious!
I bought a couple of rings for Claire (youngest daughter)

Fresh from the orchard
Aren't they beautiful?

Traditional Saucisson
I spotted her and managed to get a great pose!

A couple of photos on the walk home... Sarah and I peaked into the beautiful old 15thC church

Virginia creeper/Boston Ivy -  beautiful green

This little ledge built into the stone wall opposite our house where we often scatter birdseed.

The most delicious lunch!

The good news is that the weather in Provence is wonderful and this will make a welcome change to the very inclement weather we have had here in Boussac for the past two weeks!  

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