Sunday 14 April 2013

Christmas and New Year at the Beach house


I really can't believe that it's January 2013! I haven't written anything for  ages... New grandchild, Christmas family holidays... a new computer, ...

2012 was a very busy year with a great deal of travel and sadly a great deal of tragedy for many of our close friends who lost their beloved children.  It is almost impossible to understand the devastating tragedy of losing ones child... and even more so  that our dear friends Patrick and Emma lost both of their beautiful daughters in an horrific car accident in Morocco.   Life does go on though and for us the highlight of the year was the birth of Arabella - born in November.  She is now 7 weeks old and is just perfect in every way. Newborn cries, burping, unsettled tummies, mummy's blues, cooking, shopping and toddler's antics was my happy life for most of November and December.   My daughter Sarah's mum-in-law was also part of the necessary support team as Kitty was only 18months old when she Arabella born.   

Christmas at the beach house was a very happy celebration with little girls having pram races on the deck on Christmas morning.  The turkey this year came from Victor Churchill  in Woollahra.  Victor Churchill is no ordinary butcher.... As one steps inside from leafy Queen Street in Woollahra,  the marble floors,  wooden panelling,  rock-salt walls,  glass,  copper, leather and more all make for a very unusual butchery experience!  One gets  the feeling of buying something really special  ... a treat for the weekend, Christmas, or the perfect ingredient for a family supper.   I want to do a special post on this wonderful butchery..... soon!!

We had a quiet reflective New Year's eve - discussing ways of keeping to our resolutions which created much amusement!
An early morning trip to Lucky's Fish shop in Ulla Dulla on New Year's eve provided the evening meal.  Snapper fillets  cooked on the Bbq,  stir-fried prawns with ginger, garlic and coriander, sauteed potatoes and a big green salad.  Finished off with tubs of home-made ice cream from the deli in Mollymook - our local town.   The well known chef,  Rick Stein has a restaurant in Mollymook - at Bannisters.   

A happy daily routine of breakfast/beach/pool/sleep/lunch/ play/beach and dinner has been all part of this very happy family holiday and I do really feel blessed having my family together, sharing these celebrations as well as the laughter and delight of the little grand-daughters.  

Here's wishing everyone who reads this blog,  all  the very best for  2013... blessed with good health, peace and happiness.

What a treat - fresh crayfish for dinner accompanied by a salad of greens, mango and asparagus and a dressing of limes and Maple Syrup!

The Christmas table

Pram races on Christmas morning!

These legs of lamb were delicious after being cooked in the pizza oven for 4 hours!... courtesy of Alex

Crumpets on a chilly afternoon

Daddy is an expert with baby Arabella!

Isabel and her Daddy

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