Saturday 2 April 2016


in the Southern Highlands

I had a very enjoyable day out recently, attending an open gardens day in aid of HEARTKIDS, a fund-raising organisation supporting children with congenital or acquired heart conditions.

My dear friend Trish Muir, opened her garden in support of this event and what a treat it was!  The immaculate, intimate garden that surrounds their pretty weatherboard house revealed all sorts of treasures!  The garden on their estate, Old Fernbrook Farm, was originally designed by  Peter Fudge .  Over the years, Trish has added numerous beautiful outbuildings, a barn, and many more garden features.  Trish is a lady of great style and impeccable taste and each and every piece in her garden has been found in places all over the world as well as here in Australia.  Trish enjoys commissioning Australian artists and is a great supporter of the local community as a whole. 

The covered entrance to the front door

One section of the covered veranda that wraps itself around the house

A charming vignette on the veranda. 

The incredible precision, depth and layering of the hedges are a feature in this garden.  

What a perfect spot to enjoy a cup of tea and a good book.

I adore this mossy stone table and particularly,  the oversized acorns.

Firewood at the ready outside the living room door.

Another mossy corner - I love the stone work on the chimney breast.

A gorgeous painted tin Magpie sitting on this rustic bench - handmade by Joe Vinks in the Southern Highlands.  
A pleasing display of Buxus in terracotta pots sitting pretty on another of Joe's creations.
Looking back towards the entrance from the beautiful stone table.

Giant Bay trees on either side of an entrance to the veranda. Imagine the Wisteria in spring!  Note the pair of tortoises on the bottom step.
Pleached trees standing knee deep in a boxwood hedge form the surrounds for the pond of remembrance seen below.

Probably an original entrance to the estate,  these quirky gates are so charming.

This handsome pigionaire is a new addition to the garden at Old Fernbrook farm. It has a 'shaker' look about it and stands very handsomely against the hedge...

I do love the heart shaped wreath that swings gently in the breeze...
This delightful arbor, flanked by stone orbs, forms the entrance to the pool seen below.  

Superb Espaliered apple against the tennis house.. I love the green of the hedge against the stone wall.

Behind the tennis house, looking back at the house.

Another view of the tennis house in this immaculate garden.. doesn't that stone plaque look great?
Sandstone pavers, Wisteria, Japanese Box, Teucrium and Silver Pears to the right.. a wonderful combination and yet simple in execution.

One of the many pairs of winged creatures that Trish has collected..

The Pear Walk looking out towards the farm

Looking back from the Pear Walk towards the house.

A closer view of the farm.

There are many birds that live sheltered lives in this garden and Trish loves them all.  There are birdbaths tucked in all over the garden.

Another birdhouse, Silver pears and perfect Japanese box orbs.

Some more spheres..

This Maple is growing in a huge pot and I love how the small leafed ivy has formed a skirt around it.

Aren't these scampering hens funny!!

Some more water placed for all creatures that live in the garden.  The Bay obelisks are very stately.

The beautiful barn .. I love the quintessential barn doors.. 

Such a charming little outbuilding. There are a few like this one around the farm.

I love the simplicity of that French concrete basket sitting beneath the tree...

Finally, a glimpse of my friend Trish in the blue dress, telling the story of Fernbrook Farm. I hope you've enjoyed this visit.  I will be featuring more gardens of the Southern Highlands in the coming months.