Thursday 20 June 2013



I can't tell you how many hours I have spent on my computer in the past few days researching tiles - all tiles - but especially en caustic tiles! I know I've brought this subject up before, but I still haven't resolved this issue yet and after today's site meeting,  I now have a day left to do so!

I have now developed a 'thing' about these tiles but  Mr R-I is convinced that I 'will grow tired' of these tiles and that it will cost a fortune and be a 'helluva mess' to rectify this in future. He is certainly right about the mess side of things! 

I am usually hugging the safe-side of traditional and yet I think these gorgeous tiles are traditional in a way and are also fun!   I am all for colour and moving away from the eternal safe neutrals.

The most important part of this decision is whether to use timber or tiles in the kitchen.  The kitchen flows into a sitting area as well as into a pantry.  I had a timber floor in my kitchen on the farm and grew to love it.  Tiles are more hygienic I know and easier to keep clean too.  I dont necessarily want to use a neutral tile or slate but perhaps something colourful - ie en caustic.  Bathrooms probably lend themselves to tiles of colour..but mostly on the walls 

What do you all think and are there any tile or timber owners who have strong views on the subject?

I like this tile

Colourful Bathrooms below 

Various kitchens with various floors

Slate floor

Love this tile!

Warm timber

Black and white

Lovely wooden floor