Thursday 6 June 2013



I'm a bit intellectually debilitated by the jet lag so it's a short post tonight.  It's so lovely being home again in Sydney, Australia.  Seeing the adorable little grand-daughters,  shopping this afternoon for great produce for tonight's dinner and now, replete after a lovely meal!

We arrived in Sydney on Tuesday close to midnight and this was our supper before bed!

Yesterday was spent catching up with the family and in particular with the little girls - three of them under the age of two!



and Arabella - practising her sitting!
One of the things I miss most when away is cooking!

and fresh fruit

and this was dinner

I always bring the steak to room temperature and salt well before cooking.  This steak was about an inch thick - 4mins in a very hot pan or on a very hot BBQ on one side and 2 mins on the other.  We never rested this as the vegetables were ready!

Can't wait to see these little monkeys tomorrow.  Long weekend here in Australia and we are all going to spend the weekend together at the beach.  These simple pleasures are my idea of luxury...Wishing all Australians a lovely long weekend!