Thursday 30 May 2013

Post from Paris

Celebrities and food - (mostly)

We left Boussac early on Sunday morning for Chateauroux where we caught the train to Paris - a two hour trip. I gave Mustique the stray cat, his last meal - a whole tin of tuna.  I have also asked Sarah who helps out in the garden from time to time,  to feed him when she passes through. 

Arriving at Austerlitz station in Paris is sometimes problematic as there are usually taxi issues.  Sunday was even worse, as there was a HUGE demonstration against the recently passed bill allowing same sex marriage.  The streets were packed with families - young and old - babies and children - all carrying printed pink and blue flags.  

It was quite something!  After 45 minutes of waiting, we were extremely lucky to find a taxi!  We were staying at the Hotel Pavillon de la Reine, in the Marais district,  for the first time and we weren't disappointed!

We loved this hotel - and imagine my excitement when standing next to Natalie Portman at the reception desk listening while she demurely asked the concierge whether the restaurant booking was confirmed!... he was a young guy and was all of a tither!!  The Hotel is set back from the street in the Place des Vosges and one enters through a pretty courtyard. I took some beautiful photos of the hotel but sadly,  left my camera in a taxi.  Very sad day for me...

These and all photos this post taken with my iphone

where we had breakfast

which was excellent - a buffet - including scrambled eggs and lots more!

We spent three lovely days strolling around Paris - and an addition to my celebrity spotting happened after dinner at Brasserie Lipp - Brasserie Lipp has been serving it's classy Left Bank clientele since 1880 - The 1926 art deco interior has been maintained - complete with decorated mirrors, Floral Belle Epoque ceramic tiles and a Veronese-style painted ceiling. The service was exceptional,  and the Alsatian style cuisine interesting!  

We sat in a cosy booth - you can probably just make out the yellow/green tiles and mirrors.  Anyway - back to celebrities!  We crossed St Germain after dinner and started browsing the large magazine stand just outside Deux Margot and I suddenly spotted Karl!!!

He was happily adding magazines to a growing pile and I thought how good he looked for a man aged 77!  His perfectly starched collar - and of course, the gloves!

The rest of our time was spent in a a couple of favourite haunts as well as exploring a few new ones!

Laduree of course!

La Cigalle - where they specialise in souffles

The relatively new Hermes shop in Rue de Servres where I was thrilled to buy a new scarf!

I also got these soft leather Campers which are wonderfully comfy!

The last night in Paris was a treat - A friend had recommended Le Train Bleu - a restaurant within the Gare de Lyon.  While eating there,  I could sense the grandeur of the past - could just imagine the elegant travellers with their magnificent luggage eating before or after their train journeys. The restaurant is enormous and very opulent.  The service, is excellent and very friendly.   It was fabulous and do go if you get a chance!

Notice the oak herringbone floors which creaked when the busy waiters passed us by

The Gare de Lyon

We left Paris yesterday for Capri and to the lovely Mamela Hotel.  We have stayed in this family run hotel for some years now and it is always a delight catching up with their news.  More of Capri later!